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With the holidays approaching.. this is how you control travel anxiety

 With the holidays approaching.. this is how you control travel anxiety

With the holidays approaching.. this is how you control travel anxiety

The summer season begins, plans and projects related to travel with friends or family abound, and while dozens of us are packing suitcases, reading leaflets, browsing hotels and booking flights, others are feeling stressed and are afraid of the very idea of travelling. This happens due to several factors, including anxiety about new places or aerophobia.

travel anxiety

Travel anxiety varies from person to person and often comes in two types. The first is the fear of planes or ships. Their owner is afraid of staying in the air for long hours or sleeping on sailboats and steamers for several nights, which leads some to use less comfortable means of transport or to refuse to travel. complete. As for the second type, it is the fear of changes in some people and the environment around them, or exaggerated anxiety about different weather conditions, which can cause them diseases such as allergies and colds. Or the fear of meeting new people and trying different foods.

What do you do to get rid of travel phobia!

The idea of getting rid of this phobia starts with following some guidelines that will help you overcome this stage. For example, proper planning and thinking about how the travel process is going helps reduce overriding anxiety, or saying goodbye to friends and loved ones two days before the trip can lessen the sadness of separation and estrangement from the usual environment and does not associate farewells. Journey. Some people are also afraid of forgetting something important or hate packing, especially if travel is required from time to time, such as when students travel to visit family or because of work. You can remedy this by having a friend by your side while you bag or by writing down a list of all your forgotten or wasted correction needs.

Take a break

Many travelers rush before their travel date to meet as many friends as possible and spend time with them, which makes them feel when they get on the plane or the train that the marathon is over, and this of course reflects negatively on the comfort of body and mind. throughout the trip, because it is very necessary to give yourself a rest period for a day or at least several hours to make sure of all the details of the flight, sleep a little and also eat a satisfactory meal that will help you to endure - the fatigue while you're in the waiting room.


The practice of relaxation, lying down in a comfortable place, watching a movie you have seen before or reading a new book makes the traveler forget the anxiety of the trip and its consequences, and helps to pass the time without thinking or focus on one particular thing.

Traveling with another person

Traveling with another person can reduce stress, especially if they are familiar with the trip and its consequences, such as explaining the process and its steps (security checks, boarding passes, remaining time) and being busy talking during the trip or playing video games, which is a distraction. The mind increases concentration on secondary things. .

Choose the right seat

Choosing the right seat on the plane or train plays an important role in the time you feel. If you are traveling by plane, you can reserve a seat towards the front of the plane and along the aisle so that your seat is the first to feel cornered or in a confined space. But if you choose to travel by train, which can take longer than usual, standing by the window and watching the road or meditating gives the journey a different feel. Reading books, listening to music, or watching movies also seems like a good idea. Maybe the train seems like a more convenient option due to the ability to walk around, like using their restaurant or standing on the balcony for a while.

Eliminate clutter issues

Some people suffer from "enochlophobia", which is the anxiety of being among many people, which makes them feel uncomfortable and tense as a result of something happening, or of a stranger approaching them, which of course can lead to distraction. And waste time, so it's worth considering here. Do breathing exercises, like focusing on a long, steady breath through your nose, or focusing on the goal, or talking to yourself out loud, like, "I have to go." at gate number 8.” And we look forward to avoiding the distraction attention of passers-by.

Control obsessions

Author of The Tools of a Healthy Mind, author Alice Boyes, suggests several ways that will help relieve stress while traveling. Among these suggestions, she devoted much of her book to talking about the importance of controlling negative obsessions and not giving in to them, as many travelers imagine bad accidents such as plane crashes, forgetting of the passport, the missed flight and soon.  He suggests three questions that allow you to feel comfortable and direct your thoughts to the positive side: "What's the worst that can happen? What's the best that can happen? What's the more realistic?
