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The most prominent Turkish cities that you must visit in the fall season

 The most prominent Turkish cities that you must visit in the fall season

The most prominent Turkish cities that you must visit in the fall season

Tourism in Turkey is never limited to a specific season, as its geographic diversity has helped make it a distinctive tourist destination at all times and in all seasons of the year.  However, autumn can be the most beautiful and suitable season to visit the region, especially after the end of the peak of summer and the intense heat waves that blow over many of its towns and villages.  From quiet beaches to dense forests, tourists find before them many options that allow them to spend pleasant moments rich in culture, history and civilizations in Turkey during the autumn season. 

Besides the atmosphere of beaches and recreational vacations, there are also many cities that carry old historical books in their alleys and stones, so that a tourist interested in history, civilizations and different cultures can walk around among them, exploring stories, histories and novels that they present to him.  Among these cities there is certainly Istanbul, where autumn is considered one of the most beautiful times of the year in the city, far from the summer humidity and heat which can be a stumbling block.  facing your full enjoyment of the city. Its history, its heritage and its beauty.

City of Mardin

The city appears at first glance as an old historic stone castle that once existed and then disappeared. And once your eyes are closed, you will be more certain that it is indeed a city from the depths of history and the Middle Ages. The solid rocks of its houses, its narrow streets and its Persian, Byzantine and Islamic landmarks are the greatest proof of the depth of this history that we are talking about.  The Arabic, Turkish, Kurdish, Aramaic and Syriac languages of its inhabitants are the clearest testimony to the diversity of this history and the divergence of its roots. 

Its name comes from the Aramaic word meaning "fortress". As for the history, it dates back to Assyrian times in the first millennium BC. It has been visited by different civilizations and different monotheistic religions, so you will find many of its castles transformed into mosques, churches or synagogues. 

The Great Mosque of Mardin

Perhaps the oldest historical paths that have entered the city in the modern era are its annexation to Turkey in 1923, following the Treaty of Lausanne, after being under Levant rule for many years, and for this reason she finds many of her lands.  People of Syriac or Levantine Arab origin. As a result, Mardin, located in the southeast of Turkey, is considered one of the cities that tell the stories and stories of the ancient inhabitants who lived on its lands without time altering them or copying anything. either.

The city's indoor market

As for the most famous monuments that tourists can visit, these are the Grand Mosque, Al-Shahdiya Mosque, Al-Rayhaniya Mosque, Marshmoun Church, the Church of the Virgin and the covered market of the city.  As for its food and food, there is the Tuesday kebab and the stuffing that the city is famous for.

The ancient city of Side in Antalya

On a small peninsula is Side, the ancient Greek city on the coast of southern Mediterranean Turkey which, according to history books, dates back to the 7th century BC, when it was settled by the Lydians before Greece. .  Civilization founded it, then the Macedonians led by Alexander the Great, then the Romans who were defeated by the Seljuks and the Seljuk State, where they ruled the city before it was succeeded by the State that made Side one of the Turkish cities. until this day. 

In addition to its amazing nature of water and mountains, Side is a good tourist destination for lovers of history and ancient civilizations, as its Roman amphitheater is one of the largest Roman amphitheaters in the world, with a capacity of nearly 17,000 people at the same time, while its historical museum contains many historical monuments, the heritage of civilisations.  different consecutive cities.

Bozca Island in Canakkale

Excavations found on the island's necropolis, known as "Leucophrys" in antiquity and "Tenedos" in Greek mythology, tell us that it probably dates back to 3000 BC.  The reliefs there contain, on one side, the image of the god of sky and lightning in Greek mythology, Zeus, and his consort, the goddess of women, Hera, on the other side.  Given its historical depth, it is not surprising that many civilizations passed through the island and settled there, thus it received all the Plexicans, Phoenicians, Athenians, Greeks, Persians, Alexander the Great, Byzantines , Genoese, Venetians and later the Ottomans, as the historical books say. 

What distinguishes the island more than others is that its visitor discovers the traditional Greek style in architecture, construction and life. The geographical proximity of the island to the corresponding Greek islands, rather than the historical affinity between them, has led to ease of movement between Turkey and Greece, which has led to the saturation of the island with the style Greek architecture.  Who has colored its details in blue and white, and filled its paths with climbing roses in beautiful bright colors.

City of Artvin

Arnfin is located on the Black Sea coasts, or as it is called "Turkey's gateway to the Caucasus", due to its proximity to Turkey's borders with Georgia, and "the neighbor of heaven" because of its great height above the sea. level.  As for what most distinguishes the city from tourists, it is the unlimited diversity of its natural relief between waterfalls, rivers, lakes, dense forests, the Black Sea, valleys and numerous cliffs.

Antalya City

As for the city of Antalya, its fall is a good time and a great opportunity to enjoy the last summer heat and sun every year, especially since the city on the Mediterranean coast in the south-west of the Turkey remains much warmer this season.  from most of the coasts of Europe, making it a rich destination for swimming and water sports enthusiasts in this season.

At the heart of the city is "Kaleici", or what is called old Antalya, which is famous for its ruins dating from the various civilizations that followed it, such as the Roman, Byzantine and Seljuk empires, as well as the Ottoman Empire.  Empire, which marked the city and its architecture. As for its current form, it is dominated by the Byzantine character, with its high and immense walls, its narrow streets and its alleys. In addition to the influence left by the Ottoman architecture, with its mosques and minarets that overlook the small port of the city. The Arab traveler "Ibn Battuta" visited Antalya and its ancient city between 1335 and 1340, noting its narrow streets and Turkish and Greek houses.
