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With only 50 dollars.. How can you spend a tourist day in the Arab world?

 With only 50 dollars.. How can you spend a tourist day in the Arab world?

With only 50 dollars.. How can you spend a tourist day in the Arab world?

What can one do with 50 dollars in Arab countries?

Many young Arabs do not knock on the door of overseas travel due to many obstacles, including the fear of spending a lot of money on tourist vacations, or the foreign language barrier, but traveling in the Arab world breaks certainly the last barrier, but many young Arabs do not realize that it breaks the barrier. . Me too.

Any traveler can decide to travel on a budget without depriving themselves of a tourist vacation in another country, but it is often difficult for young people to do so in the Arab world, despite the possibility of visiting the best tourist places in the country. . . Arab capitals with a very small budget compared to the budget you have to spend if you decide to go to Europe or Asian countries.

First, most people overcomplicate pre-trip details with irrational exaggeration. The entry visa for most Arab tourist countries does not require unrealistic demands, as is the case for European countries, and it does not require much time to issue it, since most of them have need one to two weeks to obtain an entry visa. to enter the country.

Besides the entry visa, many Arab countries do not require an entry visa before entering the Arabs. For example, there is no entry visa between Egypt and Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt or Tunisia and Morocco, for example, because you can only hold your passport and go to the country. Some Arab countries require an amount of cash that the traveler takes with him when entering the country instead of an entry visa, but this requirement does not exist in most Arab countries.

In addition, tourist Arab countries such as Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Lebanon are characterized by relatively cheap airfares compared to non-tourist Arab countries. Therefore, paying attention to the evolution of air ticket prices before traveling can reduce the budget that the traveler needs to visit an Arab country near or near his own.

What can you do with fifty dollars in Morocco?

Here we show you a picture of what you can do in these Arab countries for only $50 (900 Egyptian pounds) or (460 Moroccan dirhams). How to move, eat, drink or shop with this sum in Arab countries such as Tunisia, Lebanon, Egypt or Morocco.

City of Chefchaouen in Morocco

If your choice among the Arab countries mentioned is Morocco, then you are very lucky, because 50 dollars in Morocco (460 Moroccan dirhams) is enough for several days, not just one. If you decide to stay in a Moroccan city for several days for a tourist vacation, you can go sightseeing, move between its streets by public transport and eat 3 meals a day for this amount.

Suppose you choose to stay in Casablanca, you can have lunch in a local restaurant of average quality for 3-4 dollars which is equivalent to 30-36 Moroccan dirhams, and you can have a hot drink for a dollar or a little more (9 - 15 Moroccan dirhams).

But if you decide to move from one city to another in Morocco, then $50 will be enough for this, in addition to housing.

To move around the city, public transport is one of the most important things that will not consume a large part of the budget, since a public transport ticket does not exceed 70 cents (6-7 dirhams), and if you take a taxi (taxi), you can pay 4 dollars (36 dirhams). ) for medium distance, plus hostels are available for $20 if you want to choose a cheaper hotel.

But if you decide to move from one city to another in Morocco, then the amount of 50 dollars will be enough for that, as you only need to move from Casablanca to the city of Fez, for example, and it can cost you dearly (120-160) Moroccan dirhams (average of 16 dollars) and pay the price of residence in Fez whether it is a hotel or a hostel. Residential for a day.

Tourist attractions in Morocco are either public or very symbolic. Most of them are architectural which you can see without having to pay a visit fee, in terms of streets, markets, mosques and Moroccan architecture. If your destination is these places, they will charge you a small tour fee.

What can you do with fifty dollars in Tunisia?

50 dollars means in the Tunisian currency approximately (122 Tunisian dinars). If you want to travel on a budget in Tunisia, avoid spending a large part of your budget on food, and for that, you can eat popular dishes as an alternative and cheap solution. You can eat a meal for less than a dollar, which

If you want to enjoy Tunisian beaches without having to pay a lot of money for private beaches, Tunisia has many scenic public beaches that only need $5 or the equivalent of 12-13 Tunisian dinars to enjoy. their beauty.  Tunisian beaches without the need to register in a tourist resort or a private beach if your budget is limited.

Public transport in Tunisia does not exceed the ticket for half a dollar. As for taxis, a one-hour journey for example can cost you 15 dollars, which is equivalent to 36 Tunisian dinars. There is also public transport that takes you between Tunisian cities if you want to move around, the prices of which vary between 10-15 dollars, or 30-36 Tunisian dinars.  Transport between cities is not of high quality, but it is sufficient for the purpose of transportation with a very small budget.

Tunisia also benefits from the presence of hostels as a cheap alternative to hotels if you are traveling alone and don't want to pay a lot of budget for luxury hotels because the cost of one night in the hostel per person varies by about $15 or its equivalent in local  The equivalent of 36 Tunisian dinars, to be able to stay, move around and visit the beach. Eat 3 cheap, local meals and you might not spend the full $50 either.

Public transport in Tunisia does not exceed a half dollar ticket, as with taxis, a long journey such as an hour, for example, may require you to pay 15 dollars as a fare. 

Is $50 enough for sightseeing in Egypt?

In fact, you'll be the luckiest if you decide to go sightseeing in Egypt these days, and that's for a reason, after the value of the dollar has increased dramatically in recent times, it's become possible to do tourism in Egypt through a limited budget, since 50 dollars is equivalent to 900 Egyptian pounds, which a tourist can spend in a few days and not in a day if he decides to stay several days in the same city. 

Nile at night - Cairo

Meals in Egypt are relatively cheap compared to the rest of the Arab countries, and for this you can enjoy different types of local food, which is the cheapest type of food in Egypt.  If you eat beans and falafel for breakfast and the famous koshari meal for lunch, it will not cost you more than 20-25 pounds with drinks, which is only a dollar and a half.

Public transport in Egypt takes you between neighborhoods in different cities, including Cairo and Alexandria, where you can travel from east to west of the city, and you won't pay more than half a dollar if you decide to ride more than one way. Public transport such as metro, buses and trams, but if you prefer to take a taxi or use companies such as Uber and Karim, it's relatively cheap in Egypt compared to most Arab countries, where the fare for a relatively long taxi ride that takes an hour, for example, is $5, the equivalent of 90 Egyptian pounds. .

Egyptian museums and attractions are very cheap, because the ticket prices for visiting museums will not be at all exorbitant, because the prices for visiting castles, palaces, churches, mosques and markets are symbolic and will not occupy a large part of the budget. assigned to date at all.

Public transport in Egypt takes you between neighborhoods in different cities, including Cairo and Alexandria, where you can travel from east to west of the city and you won't pay more than half a dollar

A tourist has enough $50 to travel from Cairo to Alexandria, which may require $5-10, and the spending method in Alexandria is similar to the daily spending method in Cairo mentioned earlier, as one will not need to move or commute. Eat 3 meals of popular Egyptian dishes for just over $3, making an extra $50 out of pocket to visit the sights and maybe buy a souvenir from there too.

What can you do with fifty dollars in Lebanon?

Beirut, the Lebanese capital, is considered one of the most expensive Arab cities compared to the cities mentioned here, so 50 dollars is not considered a sufficient amount for tourism, transport and meals, considering the high gasoline prices in Lebanon, and therefore transportation by taxi is relatively expensive and can cost as much as 50 dollars. A 15-minute taxi ride can cost $20, for example.

Downtown - Beirut

However, 50 dollars can be enough to sightsee in Beirut for a day and see the most important tourist attractions there, given the advantage of walking among the most important tourist attractions, or the possibility of renting a bicycle to get around between relatively existing tourist streets. . Close to each other, it is thus possible to avoid the high taxi fares. In Beirut.

Shopping in Beirut is relatively expensive, which is why it is not recommended, but eating in local restaurants is average. You can eat a meal for one person in an average restaurant for $10-13, equivalent to 15-20,000 Lebanese pounds, and you can also eat simple meals from street vendors such as "Lebanese Night" and drink Arabic. coffee. 3 dollars, equivalent to 5,000 Lebanese pounds.

Transport between Lebanese cities is relatively expensive, which is why it costs no less than 50 dollars per day. However, other Lebanese cities other than Beirut, such as Sidon or Tripoli, are relatively cheaper than Beirut in terms of accommodation, food, drink and attractions, and for that if your budget is limited when visiting a trip to Lebanon. You can spend less time in Beirut while moving to other Lebanese cities.

Traveling in the Arab world is not expensive, as some stereotype. The traveler can travel to Arab tourist cities on a budget if they reduce the budget in some aspects of the trip and take advantage of the opportunities that the local people of these countries exploit in their daily lives.
