The story of Wings of Emotions, its young hero (Khalil), begins when he felt very bitter feelings, as he started looking at his score record on the certificate he got, and feelings of fear came over him as a result of his anticipation. . people's insults towards him, the words that his classmates said about him, and how many blames he sang on these posters, he needed a voice to support him, so he only had to listen to the voice of the school janitor. he was studying while the janitor tried to help and comfort him.
Khalil was absentmindedly thinking about his condition if he went home and told his family about his signs, so he thought of a way to save himself from an ominous day for him, as he decided on himself to erase the writing of the signs. From this testimony of his, and to write on it signs that are better than what he had, especially since he had not yet returned home, and therefore the matter of his remained very confidential and confidential.
Khalil set out to erase the numbers and execute his plan, but unfortunately the certificate was perforated, showing the fraud he was doing, so he decided to run away, so that no one would see him and no one would know him. What he did, he immediately remembered a friend of his name (Farid Yes, Farid is the one who will save him from this ordeal, especially since he failed to study, for which his father did nothing but send him to the city of Haifa. " There was a big problem that stood in Khalil's way, which is the issue of money. Where did he get it from? Money, especially since travel costs a lot. After thinking for a long time about a solution to this dilemma, Khalil did not He found nothing more than to go to the bank and withdraw an amount from the savings card he had, but the Postal Department employee in charge of the withdrawal operations, Khalil, did not believe it when he told him that his aunt only needed the amount of three pounds. But then he was convinced and gave him the money, and without any care Khalil went with the money to the bus station, and as soon as the bus started he felt remorse for leaving his town and his family, and when he arrived he arrived in Haifa And he felt very hungry, so i say he decided to order grilled meat, thinking that he would like the attendees.
Khalil looked for his friend Farid, but could not find him, so he decided to go to Hadar province, thinking that he would meet Farid there, but due to the intense darkness he collided with a pole that threw him into the roar. . He fell unconscious, while Khalil's father was returning home, and was in a state of great joy at the results of his daughter Aida, but was very upset by Khalil's absence from the house for a long time, while he was leaving. They went looking for him, accompanied by the townspeople, who reported him missing to the police.
Khalil wakes up to find himself in the hospital, and the nurse tells him that the secretary wants to talk to him, only to finally argue with him and understand that he recognized him from a photograph published in the newspapers, and that he found out about his escape. From a house, and they handed him over to the police, who in turn took him to his father's house, and when Khalil came to the village, he saw all the people who were looking for him with his father together, and his father hugged him . to the. to his chest, and told him that he would treat him well, so what happened to him was the return of his father's antiquities, his father's wife, and his sister, and he came back with them to the family home.
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