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 The leather of the car is one of the important parts that the car owner needs to take care of, as the car’s leather upholstery is one of the most luxurious and beautiful parts of the car, and leather by its nature needs periodic maintenance on an ongoing basis.  ; To extend the life of its use and to keep the car’s appearance new and clean, as the leather is exposed to color changes, discoloration, and surface cracks due to temperatures and ultraviolet rays, and in this article we will learn how to preserve the leather and how to clean and protect it from external 

How to maintain car leather

There are many tips that can be followed to keep the car’s leather looking new and elegant without having to change it from time to time, especially since many car owners do not have sufficient knowledge about it, and among these tips are the following:
  •  Prevent water or moisture from entering the leather, especially on rainy days, and be sure to clean and dry it when water enters, as well as cover the car on sunny days when the entire car or window sills can be covered.  Or cover the seats themselves to protect them from the sun.
  • Keep the skin clean constantly, and clean it according to the degree of dirt, according to a series of steps that will be mentioned later.
  • Repairs damaged and cracked parts of the leather as soon as they appear.
  • Avoid placing heavy loads on the skin or objects with sharp edges that could tear the skin.

How to clean and protect car leather

The leather of the car can be cleaned and returned clean and neat without the need for a car wash by following a series of steps shown below:

  • Use the vacuum cleaner to clean the car seats from crumbs and dust, and pay attention to the internal cracks between the seats, which are usually the place where dirt accumulates, taking into account the use of a soft brush head to avoid scratches on the surface.  from the skin
  • Read the vehicle's owner's manual before adding any cleaning agent to the leather surface. This is to see what is suitable for the nature of the car's leather, and a test can be done on an inconspicuous part to see how it reacts to the additive.
  • Try cleaning the leather with water and a damp cloth; This is to remove surface stains, which often do not require strong cleaning agents to remove.
  • Start by cleaning the surface of the leather with a leather cleaning solution and a (soft) microfiber cloth to avoid soaking the leather for a long time with the cleaner, then use a dry towel to wipe the leather of any remaining cleaner after you are done. cleaning stage. 
  • Use a good quality oil-based leather conditioner and a sponge to evenly distribute it, making sure to get into the inner crevices of the seats. It is also possible to use moisturizing creams for the skin supported by sunscreen. This is to protect the skin from discoloration, then use a dry towel to soften the skin from the effects of the moisturizer, as the skin must be taken care of with a natural, non-greasy, glowing appearance. 
  • Use a leather protector to protect it from damage and exposure to external influences, as it can be applied to the leather with a sponge to distribute it evenly, then wipe it with a dry towel after finishing so that the seats look clean and natural. . 
  • Leave the car for at least 12 hours in a shaded place away from sunlight to dry, then buff the leather again with a soft microfiber cloth and remove the remnants of the used products.
