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How to train a child to enter the bathroom

Preparing the necessary equipment for training.

 Before you train a child to enter the toilet, you need to make sure that all the necessary equipment for this is present; For example, if a child is going to use the toilet, she will need a step or threshold to stand on and reach, and a smaller safety seat can be placed over the toilet seat in use; Because some children feel uncomfortable sitting on the original toilet for fear of falling into 

how do you sit on the toilet

The child can be trained to enter the toilet by explaining how to sit on it; Since the child learns by looking, this goes hand in hand with verbally explaining what is being done; Therefore, one of the parents can sit on the child seat in front of the child, and it is indicated that this stage needs some time to practice, and the child should not be forced to sit on the toilet when she does not want to. 

 routine work

A routine can be made to train the child to enter the toilet; For example, parents may want the child to sit on the toilet immediately after waking if his diaper is clean and dry at that time, or forty-five minutes to an hour after he has had a large drink, this is indicated.  Put the child in the bathroom for only a few minutes and a few times a day without overdoing it.

 Know when the child wants to go to the bathroom

Parents should look for signs that the child wants to go to the bathroom, such as: passing gas, being quiet, or moving to another room; In these cases, it is recommended to take it to the bathroom; If the child does not use it after three to five minutes of sitting on the toilet, then he should remove it; Sitting on it for long periods of time is punishing, and on the other hand, the child can be asked at different times of the day if they need to go to the bathroom, making sure that the reminders are gentle, few and not.  Annoying and making him nervous.

 praise the child

A child can be potty trained by praising him for trying, even if his progress is slow; Since this makes him feel like he's doing a good job, an example would be saying "Well done sitting on the toilet," watching the praise taper off until each part of the training process has been mastered. 

 Other tips for learning to go to the bathroom

Other good tips for helping a child go to the bathroom include:
  • Dress the child in clothing that is easy to put on and take off
  • Praise the child for trying to use the toilet, even if it doesn't work.
  • Let the boy stand or sit when he goes into the bathroom.
