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How to put a baby to sleep at night


Establish a bedtime routine

 To help the baby to sleep at night, it is recommended to give him a warm bath first, wear comfortable pajamas, read him a story or a song, and you can try a relaxing massage for him, as long as the period of practice of this ritual is length.  Its duration does not exceed thirty minutes, and it should be noted that following these habits on a daily basis until it becomes a constant routine can gradually let the child know that this specific moment is bedtime, and finally these sleeping habits must be end up in the room you are in.  in which the child sleeps, and in all cases the child must sleep in the same room as her parents for the first six months of her life.

 Introducing a game

This method can be used to put the baby to sleep at night if she is only over six months old; Since providing toys to those younger than that can increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), among the items that can be given to the child: baby blankets or stuffed animals, while trying to keep any of the mother nearby during the day until she transfers her scent to you; The child has a strong sense of smell, and when she wakes up at night, the smell of these toys makes her calm down and fall asleep. 

Follow the Ferber method

 Parents can use the Ferber method to teach the child to fall asleep on her own and go back to sleep if she wakes up during the night, keeping in mind that this method does not start until the child is at least five or six months.  , and to implement this method, the child should be placed in her bed when she is sleepy and before going to sleep and then the mother leaves her room when sleep habits are complete; If the child cries, you should wait several minutes before going back to him, you can initially wait one to five minutes, then go in and try to calm him down in only two or three minutes, and then leave even if he continues to do so. .  crying; It is enough for him to see the face of her mother to make sure that her mother is close to him.

But if the child continues to cry, he must wait an additional period of time than the first; If the mother waited three minutes the first time, then she must wait five minutes the second time, and so on, repeating the same thing the next night and increasing the waiting time; Parents notice an improvement in their children's sleep within a week. 

Regulation of baby feeding

To help the child sleep at night, care should be taken to give the child the last meal at least twenty minutes before bedtime, whenever it is outside the bedroom so that the child can break the link between feeding and sleeping.  They are older than six months if the baby is growing well; Unless the mother is comfortable feeding the baby from her at night.
