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How to Increase a Child's Focus 

Most children develop stronger concentration skills as they get older and get used to the school environment, but some continue to try to focus for more than an hour at a time, and to help them increase their approach, the following tips should read:

  •   Get enough sleep: Most children increase their concentration after getting a good night's sleep for about 9 hours, and should get into the habit of going to bed early to get enough sleep. 
  • Exercise: Most education experts associate exercise with a higher level of concentration, as exercise helps the brain maintain oxygen, which in turn keeps it active.
  •  Minimize distractions – The environment around children should be kept free of 
  • anything that might distract them while studying or doing certain tasks, because children cannot ignore distractions. 
  • Break big tasks down into smaller tasks – This is because big tasks need more attention, and this point can be applied to homework and learning new skills.
  •  Do homework at the same time every day: Repeating the activity every day at the same time will make it a habit, and after a while the child will need less concentration than before when that time comes. 

 Reasons why a child does not concentrate

 Most children who suffer from poor concentration have some type of learning difficulty, and this can be due to many other reasons, such as:

  •  Lack of practice, many children suffer from the problem of lack of concentration at school, because they are not used to the environment, and this problem can appear after vacations or summer vacations.  The lack of understanding of the material and the lack of understanding of the topic on the part of the student leads to his lack of interest in it and therefore his lack of concentration during the explanation. 
  •  Eat foods high in sugar and fat without complete nutrition to help focus.
  •  Family problems at home, such as recent parental separation or family trauma.
  • If the child is taking certain medications or suffers from any organic disease such as low thyroid function or iron deficiency.

 Symptoms of lack of focus

 There are many symptoms and behaviors that can reveal the problem of poor concentration in children, and these symptoms include:
  • Inability to sit in one place.
  • Difficulty following instructions.
  • Difficulty doing homework or completing schoolwork.
  • Poor handwriting compared to children his age.
  •  Behavioral problems such as aggressiveness or mood swings.
