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 Teething is a stage of development represented by the appearance of milk teeth in children, and this stage is worrying for children, due to the symptoms that accompany it and the pain that can affect the child.  babies at the age of six months or older.

 Treatment of teething pain

  • Use a special teething gel that you can get at drugstores to massage your baby's gums.
  • Prepare for your child to use special tools for chewing and teething pain relief, such as special plastic rings, and it is preferable to put them in the refrigerator for a while before giving them to the child, to reduce the severity of gingivitis, and try to sterilize this ring constantly. 
  •  Continue to offer the baby cold water from time to time, or some other cold drink, as long as it is sugar-free.
  •  Offer solid fruits and vegetables to make some; For its role in pain relief.
  •  Always keep your baby's hands clean, since at this stage he puts them in his mouth a lot.

teeth eruption stages

During the teething period, the child goes through several stages, but it is worth noting that these stages differ from one child to another. Some may start teething early and others may start late. Here is a breakdown of those stages:

  •    Lower front incisors: These incisors appear in the age group between the first five to seven months of a child's life.
  •    The upper front incisors: These incisors appear shortly after the appearance of the lower incisors, and the period of their appearance is from the sixth month to the eighth month of the child's life. 
  •    The upper lateral incisors: appear at the age of the eleventh month of the child.
  •    The lower lateral incisors: appear at the age of the tenth month to the twelfth month of the child's life. Molars begin to erupt after the first year, followed by canines, then second molars.
