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How to treat colds in infants

 Treating colds in infants

Babies need parental care when they catch a cold, and over-the-counter medications should be avoided; Since it can cause serious side effects as well as not help treat your condition, your doctor may prescribe some home remedies in addition to nasal drops that reduce nasal congestion, and medications may be used to reduce your child's temperature.  Here are some baby care home remedies to reduce symptoms associated with colds:

  • Get some rest: The child should have enough time to rest and avoid public places. 
  • Steam bath: The mucus can be reduced by placing the child in a hot bath for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Humidifiers: A humidifier may be used to keep the area around the bed moist; This helps you breathe better.
  •  Hydrate the body: Children should receive water and soft drinks. May reduce fluids due to fever and presence of mucus.
  • Clearing the nostrils: The child can be helped to breathe easily by clearing the nostrils with a rubber syringe.

Symptoms of the common cold in infants

Often the first signs that a baby has a cold are a stuffy or runny nose, a runny nose that may be clear at first, then turn green or yellow and thicken. The common cold may be accompanied by the following symptoms and signs:
  • Difficulty feeding from a bottle of milk due to nasal congestion.
  •      cough and sneeze;
  • high temperature;
  •      You have trouble sleeping.
  •      Upset child and irritability
  • . lack of appetite

Prevention of colds in infants

The best way to protect a child from exposure to colds is to keep them away from other sick people, preferably at home; As the virus that causes mild colds in adults or older children can expose the infant to serious conditions, hand washing should be done to prevent transmission of infection to the infant, and it is recommended to give the child at least 6 months of age. The flu shot.
