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Cupping therapy for colds and colds: fact or fiction?

 Cupping therapy is an ancient form of therapy that was traditionally used in alternative medicine. This is done by placing a few cups on the skin where the pain is. To perform the suction process for at least a few minutes, it has been used for many health conditions and diseases related to pain and inflammation, as well as being used in deep tissue massage.

What is the truth about the treatment of colds and colds by cupping?

Cupping is used as one of the methods of treating colds,and cupping can aid recovery due to its role in relieving cold symptoms and congestion in the body, as well as its ability to massage the deep tissues.  This improves blood flow and increases the body's ability to eliminate toxins.

It can also help reduce muscle spasms, aid breathing and stimulate lymphatic flow, and cupping therapy has been found to help relieve cold and flu symptoms by:

  • Enhances the activity of natural killer cells.
  • It reduces pain by activating the nerves in the muscles and other tissues.
  • Reduce infections that the patient may suffer.

How to use cupping to treat colds and flu

Cupping is applied to treat colds and flus by following these steps:

  • Apply some types of ointments and oils to the skin before applying cupping.
  • Use silicone or glass cups.
  • Place these cups on the skin so that they are passed over the trigger and knot points as the mechanism is applied.
  • Pulling some vacuum through the suction process or oxygen consumption.

Typically, in such cases, the therapist will select the following areas for cupping:

  • The middle of the back between the shoulder blades.
  • upper back.
  • back.
  • lower back.
  • Below the ribs near the region of the diaphragm.

Is there any harm in treating colds or flus with cupping?

Suction cups are usually safe, especially if you do them in a trusted and approved center. The possibility of damage or side effects in this case is limited and rare, but if you have side effects from cupping; This often happens during or immediately after the application of the treatment, and among the most important of these possible effects:

  •  The appearance of circular marks in the places where cups and bowls are placed.
  • diverse.
  • feeling dizzy
  • Sweating and nausea in some cases.
  • Skin irritation around the rim area of ​​the cup.
  • Feeling some pain at the incision sites after the session.
  • Skin scarring.
  • bruises;

You may also be at risk of infection if the cupping is done by a non-specialist; It will not sterilize skin or cupping if used correctly.

Article Summary

Cupping can help recover from colds and colds. For its benefits in relieving pain and congestion in the body, in addition to its role in stimulating blood circulation to various parts of the body, but it is necessary to choose specialized centers to perform cupping; To avoid any damage such as infection.
