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 The skin tends to dry out in winter, so care must be taken to moisturize it well, using creams or lotions that contain moisturizing substances, such as: alpha hydroxy acids, sorbitol and glycerin that help moisturize the skin, or some useful oils.   For the skin like: avocado oil, almond oil, evening primrose oil and drinking water are among the best natural moisturizers for the skin and nourish it.

 sunscreen application

Some people believe that sunscreen should only be applied in the summer, but in reality it should also be applied in the winter, to protect the skin from the sun and harmful ultraviolet rays, so a sunscreen and moisturizer with an SPF of at minus 15 It should be applied to all exposed areas of the body in both winter and  Care should be taken when exfoliating the skin for healthy skin in the winter, to ensure the removal of dead skin cells that cause dryness and dullness of the skin. It is worth noting that it should be peeled once or twice a week, but care should be taken that it is suitable for the type of skin.

 avoid hot water

Hot water is a common cause of dry skin due to the removal of natural skin oils, so avoid showering or washing hands and face with hot water, wear rubber gloves when doing dishes in winter and take a short shower or bath for 5-10 minutes.

Exfoliate the skin regularly

Care must be taken when exfoliating the skin for healthy skin in winter, in order to ensure the removal of dead cells that cause dryness and dullness of the skin, so the face, hands and lips with an exfoliating mask.  , as it helps maintain skin moisture, and it should be noted that it should be exfoliated once or twice a week, but care should be taken that it is suitable for your skin type.

Skin care

There are many things to consider for winter skin care, including:

  • Choose gentle, fragrance-free cleansers, which can cause dry, itchy skin, and use fewer regular soaps; Because it contains harmful ingredients and fragrances, be careful to choose creamy cleansers and use a toner that works to capture skin pores.  Be sure to moisturize your lips with Vaseline or any other ointment to prevent them from becoming dry and cracked.
  • Eat foods or supplements that contain omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids, such as fish oil and flaxseed oil, to help moisturize and nourish your skin, according to dermatologist Barbara R. Read. 
  •    Replace wet clothing and shoes as soon as possible because they can cause skin irritation and itching.

Follow a healthy diet

Healthy skin is a reflection of the body's health, so it is necessary to take care of yourself by eating healthy foods rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, and eating fruits and vegetables, they are a good source of water, minerals and vitamins.  These foods are good for your body and skin, and you should try to eat foods rich in vitamin E and vitamin A, and foods that are good for your skin: avocado, berries, dark chocolate, green tea, fish, almonds, and tomatoes. .

Preventive ways to protect the skin in winter

To protect the skin in winter, follow the following methods:

 * Choose the right soap for the skin, since the use of harsh soaps causes friction and dryness of the skin, so it is recommended to stay away from traditional soaps that mostly contain aromatic substances and ingredients that cause skin sensitivity, and replace them.  A fragrance-free cleansing gel, and it is recommended to use soap in small amounts on winter days.

  •  Use soft towels. After washing the face, it is recommended to dry it with soft towels and avoid rough towels that cause irritation and damage to the skin.
  •  Replace skin care products when winter arrives, choosing cleaning products that focus on creams and minimizing the use of disinfectants and toners; Contains a high percentage of alcohol which dries the skin.
  • Wear oil-free makeup.  When shopping for foundation, make sure you choose an oil-free liquid foundation.
  •  Wear appropriate clothing, as there are types of fabrics that cause skin sensitivity and dryness, taking care that woolen and rough clothing does not directly touch the skin, and start by wearing soft cotton clothing first, then wear a thick woolen jacket.
