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  •  deal with fear

Addressing the fear of failure is an important step in gaining courage. It is necessary to work to pass this stage, realizing that everything that exists around us, however strong and great it may be, was something small in its beginnings, and that failure is something and the attempt is repeated over and over again. .  It is the only and effective way to learn and acquire knowledge to reach a good level of experience.

  • The initiative

Taking the initiative to do something when you feel compelled to do so has a powerful effect on increasing a person's self-confidence, increasing their productivity, and this also saves a lot of time wasted waiting for instructions and orders from another person, not doing so. it is.  It makes sense for a person to stay in the same line waiting for directions from others as if he were a small child, since he has to pass them.

  • Get out of the comfort zone

A person can spend time building their comfort zone, but sometimes they have to go off the beaten path and try new things that they are not used to.  Adhering to certain habits and lifestyles can be comfortable for one person, but from another point of view, breaking away from the ordinary can be fun. Especially since this step leads to increased courage and self-confidence.

  •  say no

Saying "no" in situations where you need to helps increase boldness and confidence. Confident people express their disapproval of something clearly and without hesitation by saying "I'm not sure" or "I don't think I can," and research and studies conducted at the University of California, San Francisco indicate that people who don't dare to say "no" are more likely to experience stress, fatigue and even depression.
