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How do I get phlegm out of children?

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how to get rid of phlegm in babies

Babies and young children cannot excrete phlegm on their own, since its accumulation in the respiratory tract causes difficulty breathing, coughing, malaise, fatigue and, sometimes, suffocation, so they need the help of adults to eliminate it , and among the ways to get rid of phlegm in babies are:

  using a nasal aspirator

 The nasal aspirator is used to remove phlegm in infants, and this can be done using a drop of saline solution, and if this is not available, sterile water can be used, and a drop is placed in the nose of a child under one year old, and 3 drops for older children, as this helps to soften the phlegm and move it to the pharynx, and wait a while before placing the nasal aspirator inside the nostril to absorb the phlegm. Here are some tips for using a nasal aspirator:

  •  This method is suitable for children under the age of two, but for older children you should start by teaching them to wipe their noses.
  • The above steps are repeated until the phlegm is removed from the child's chest and her ability to breathe, but should not be repeated more than 4 times a day for children under one year of age.
  • The brine can be made at home by adding ½ teaspoon of table salt to a cup of warm water and stirring well.
  •  The nasal aspirator should be sterilized by washing it with soap and water and letting it dry in the open air. If the child has a serious infection, it should be sterilized with vinegar or alcohol and allowed to dry.

Raise the child's head during sleep.

Raising the child's head during sleep can help increase comfort and the ability to breathe, due to its role in draining mucus and preventing it from accumulating in the back of the child's throat, and this can be achieved by lifting a little the child's head. pillows, or placing the child in a car wheelchair while sleeping, but it is worth noting the need to consult a doctor before starting to use this method.


     Breastfeeding is considered one of the most effective ways to eliminate phlegm in a child, due to its role in providing the child's body with nutrients and natural antibiotics that play an important role in combating various diseases, and also helps prevent dehydration and maintain body  He may have difficulty breathing during feeding, which reduces the amount of milk consumed in a meal, so the mother must take care to breastfeed him several times a day.

How to get rid of phlegm in children over one year

One of the following methods can be used to help get rid of phlegm in children over one year of age:

 Inhaling steam or taking a hot bath

 Inhaling steam or taking a hot bath is one of the ways that helps to get rid of phlegm, because of its role in moisturizing the respiratory tract and increasing the softness of phlegm, which makes it easy to get rid of it by coughing, and this can be done by placing the child in a hot bath full of steam For 3-5 minutes, with the need to constantly monitor the child, and end the session if the child feels uncomfortable or if the temperature of the steam is too hot. 
 Water vapor can be inhaled by filling a large bowl with warm water, bending over the bowl and covering the child's head with a towel to contain the steam, and then gently inhaling the steam to loosen and remove phlegm.

Use a humidifier

 Maintaining air humidity may have an important role in getting rid of phlegm in children, due to its role in softening mucus and reducing coughing and congestion, and air humidity can be increased and maintained by following the following instructions:

  •   Use a vaporizer or a humidifier with cold or warm mist to keep the house moist, and in fact, humidifiers are one of the best ways to get rid of phlegm in children.
  •  Cleaning humidifiers regularly, as this helps to get rid of various pathogens, which remain in humidifiers, worsening symptoms in the child.
  • Use a humidifier at night and during bedtime, especially if the child has difficulty breathing.

Using saline nasal sprays or gargling with salt water

 Saline nasal sprays or prescription nasal drops can be used to clear phlegm in children. It should be noted that these sprays contain a saline solution that softens the phlegm and reduces the inflammation of the respiratory tract, facilitating the exit of the phlegm when coughing, and gargling with water and salt has a similar function to that of saline nasal sprays, and the child.   You can use these products 2-3 times a day, and we note that it is necessary not to abuse them, for fear of catching a child with rhinitis.

 Eat chicken soup and liquids.

 Parents should make sure their child with a stuffy nose gets plenty of fluids, as fluids help loosen phlegm and help the child cough it up. Parents can provide some fluids such as water, juice, milk, and hot chicken soup as it soothes the throat. Red Hot.

Use of over-the-counter pain relievers

 Some children with other symptoms associated with phlegm, such as fever, may need the use of over-the-counter pain relievers. It should be noted that children under 3 months of age should not be given any medicine without consulting a doctor, and the following is an explanation. of analgesic drugs used in children:

  •  Paracetamol: Paracetamol is given to children from 3 months of age, and it is indicated that the dose be given every 4-6 hours. Parents should use the standard medicine supplied with the medicine box and not use the domestic spoon, it being preferable to consult the pharmacist about the appropriate dose for the child according to their age. 
  •  Ibuprofen medication:is given to children from 6 months of age, and it is indicated that the dose be given every 6-8 hours, it being preferable to consult the pharmacist about the appropriate dose, being necessary to ensure that the child does not receive the two drugs together. 
  •  Diclofenac: Diclofenac is administered to children from one year of age.

Can medicines be used to eliminate phlegm in children?

 Phlegm is not a disease in itself, but is one of the symptoms that accompany many diseases and respiratory health problems, so the treatment of phlegm lies in treating the problem that causes it, after diagnosing the disease, and give him the necessary treatment by generally dispense with the doctor and antibiotic to treat infections if it is not Therefore, it is not allowed to use an expectorant medicine for children without a prescription.  These medicines may not be suitable for children and may harm their health. Therefore, it is not recommended to use any cough suppressants or phlegm-busting medications for children under four years of age without a prescription.

 Do herbs help eliminate phlegm in children?

The use of herbs can help eliminate phlegm in children, but the doctor should be consulted before offering them to the child to ensure their safety and the amount allowed to present to the child, and some of the herbs used are listed below:

  •  Chamomile: The use of chamomile tea helps to moisturize the throat and soften phlegm in the affected child, in addition to its role in relieving congestion, and chamomile tea can be sweetened with a little honey for the properties of honey in moisturizing and soothing the body. . throat.  Bacterial food poisoning or severe food poisoning caused by bacterial spores in honey.
  •  Peppermint tea: Peppermint tea is characterized by its ability to soften phlegm in a child, facilitating its excretion through cough like chamomile tea. Mint tea can be served to children and sweetened with a teaspoon of honey.

Can oils be used to massage the baby's chest to remove phlegm?

 Chest rubs containing essential oils such as eucalyptus oil, eucalyptus oil, and peppermint oil can be used topically on a baby's chest to relieve chest congestion and cough. less than two years. 

 Article Summary

There are many methods that can be followed to eliminate phlegm in children, and the methods are classified according to the age of the child, and the mother may use more than one method until she finds the most suitable way to calm her child, such as using a topical solution, or inhaling steam, and using a humidifier to moisten the respiratory tract, and we noticed that these methods help soften the phlegm and break it down, which helps to cough it up easily, and there are also some herbs that help calm down.  Throat, such as chamomile and mint, and it should be noted that honey should not be used for children under one year of age, since for drugs that help eliminate phlegm, it is necessary to consult a doctor, because they differ according to age of the child as to its type and recommended.
