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Self development

Man instinctively seeks profit and benefit through the achievement of variable and growing ambitions and goals, which change with the changing stages of his life and his innate, intellectual and social needs.  and objectives with the determinants of it, or may not be compatible with them. In this case, he must face one of two possibilities: either he backs down on his goals and stands back to announce his defeat and failure to achieve his ambitions and paint the future the way he wants, or he sharpens his resolve and calls on his energy. . .  to make his dreams come true. And to achieve his successes, and in this case he must identify the aspects of his energy and abilities, and develop them according to the level he aspires to reach. The diligence, willingness and desire of the individual to change himself, support his abilities and meet the requirements.

self development definition

The word "development" in its linguistic sense refers to modification, improvement, and refinement for the better. The development process involves moving a product or service from one stage to another, upgrading its state to a better and more advanced state. [2] Regarding the concept of self-development, it is a development system based on improving personal skills. and their behaviors through a set of continuous processes that support the personality of the individual, which includes the acquisition of information, knowledge, skills, values ​​and behaviors that support the individual and organize the skills and abilities of him, to be able to do so.  Achieving your goals, and dealing flexibly with the obstacles and obstacles you may encounter as you seek to achieve yourself. [3] The thinkers agreed. However, self-development is part of a person's search, activity, and preparation for self-achievement and success, in order to achieve psychological comfort and sense of happiness in life. [3]

How to develop oneself

People generally agree on the need for self-development and its importance in all walks of life, but they differ on the way and method that actually leads to self-development, and who follows the pace of change and seeks it and seeks to develop. the same.  He must make that development systematic, scientific, and organized, to achieve what he wants of renewal and improvement, and self-development can be planned in various sequential ways, including: [4]

Foresee principles and values

A person has to adapt his compass to the values and principles on which God created him, so that the path of change does not confuse him, so that he reverses his course and his growth is negative.  It is the safety valve that keeps man's direction and draws his map and path.

Enrichment of faith

And as the bond of the servant with his faith and covenant is reflected in him sharpening abiding determination, self-discipline, assistance in patience, and creating the noblest and best morals, and faith is the key to success and the compass, and is the promoter of action, continuity and excellence.

Setting goals

The origin of those who intend to leave and walk must know their goal and determine their destiny. Furthermore, self-development means reaching specific and clear goals. Defining objectives is a basic requirement and an urgent need on which the development process is mainly based. He achieved success and development, charting the future with what he saw and how he liked it.


Setting priorities is very important and serves as a schedule to which tasks are added in order of importance. and the resulting final value.

Acquisition of science and knowledge

Science is the most important pillar to complete and develop a business, and it is the raw material that can be molded to manufacture, build and develop personality. best and available.

Positive thinking

The path to self-development needs to equip you with basic skills from thought processes, and positive thinking is a basic process rooted in development and improvement, through which a positive person acquires traits that help him advance on paths of development, by foreseeing positive things.  , creativity in problem solving and innovation in drawing up plans. Positive thinking is the food and energy of the master mind. Positive thinking is reflected in the behavior, abilities and reality of the individual. The positive does not know a dead end, the options are open to him and the alternatives are numerous.


The benefit of optimism appears as a noble value in the development of human motives, motivating you to complete your journey, striving to develop yourself and achieve your goals and ambitions.  Optimism is reflected in the feeling of happiness during the usual processes of self-development, development and continuous learning.


True success begins with self-esteem, appreciation, and confidence in your own abilities and capabilities. The determination of the man ignites his enthusiasm and increases his vitality and love for his work, his craft, his specialization and his personality.

Graduation and balance

Gradual means to arrange and organize performance, so that a person achieves his goals and achieves his ambitions little by little in a harmonious and orderly construction that does not slack or get bored.  Longer, more stable, free from fatigue, frustration and stress.

Perseverance and focus

The thing that most prevents a person from developing himself and deprives him of the joy of success and achievement is the affliction of procrastination. Initial earnings require perseverance and effort to complete construction, achieving overall success through elaborate plans and focusing on desired goals.

The importance of self development

The importance of self-development lies in the yields and results achieved by the continuous development process of the human being. In his ongoing quest to develop his skills, behaviors, knowledge, and sciences, man acquires to broaden his perceptions and increase his abilities in investigation, conclusion, and crisis management.  A person also acquires through self-development a sense of conviction. The self, psychological satisfaction and inner peace, the path to self-development is immersed in happiness in all its details. The human instinct demands achievement, success and praise, and hates failure and frustration, and so the Human happiness is achieved through what is. It acquires permanently and continuously in all aspects of life from him. 3]
