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Top 20 jobs for travel enthusiasts

 Top 20 jobs for travel enthusiasts

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Do you want to travel the world and work at the same time? Yes, it's a hard equation to achieve, everyone works like a machine dedicated to working for several months and sometimes several years to save up some amount of money that will help them spend some quality time around the world somewhere they've never been to, to spend time on all the money they've saved, and then come back to that circle From routine life again, which is in lots and lots of work, in order to save money, then have fun, then go back to where you started, which is not a bad thing, unless there are those who are fond of travel and trekking, these few days of vacation among the woods , or on the beach, they are not enough. 

How can a completely sedentary person work and save money, when traveling can totally take you away from the routine office life, constant communication and the pressure of completing tasks on time to get paid? 

Here is a list of the top 20 jobs for travel enthusiasts that fit their lives and choices

20- Teaching English

Although many non-native speakers of English worry about the task of teaching English and fear that this task will be limited to native speakers of English whose first language is English, teaching English does not completely require the language or your native language.  Traveling around the world, especially in countries that do not speak English extensively and fluently, you will find that your knowledge of English is a treasure for them, and all they want is to practice speaking the language with you, and they can.  Getting paid for it can give you the chance to fund a lot of your world travels if you do it consistently. It is intense, and it is also a profession that gives you many friends of different nationalities.

19- Working in government jobs that require travel

Imagine if you had a certificate from the Department of International Relations, Foreign Trade or Tourism, all of these qualify you to travel because of what the job requires, because there are many government jobs that allow you to earn money, move and travel at the same time. 

18- Be a tour guide

If you are a fan of constant movement, and talk most of the time with foreigners, then the profession of a tour guide is the profession that suits you best, because it will make you surround yourself with people who love to travel like you, and move  With them, explain to them the antiquities of your country and its different places.

17- Become a flight attendant

Although this is one of the great jobs for travel enthusiasts, it does not seem as easy as some might think because airlines require a lot of qualifications and experience in dealing with travelers, but it is a great job for lovers of instability, because it offers you to stay in one city for a night or 2 nights, then the next morning, you leave for another city. 

16- Sharing global opportunities for "WWOOF" natural farms

This is one of the organizations that charge an amount of money to participate with, but it allows you to travel around the world in a new way, as this organization is present in 99 countries around the world.  housing, food, and lodging costs, in addition to farm training.

15- I work in import and export

Does it sound a bit difficult, yes it can be, except that now everything can be imported and exported in our current world, after the era of globalization, it is at your fingertips, and it can also be a great excuse to travel a lot. 

14- I work on cruise ships

There is a lot of work on sea ships but it will require you to search a bit, but it will give you the opportunity to travel around the world over the seas and on top of that you will get free accommodation and food. 

13- Working as a babysitter or babysitter

Working as a babysitter is a lot of fun, especially if you want to improve your language skills through practice, and this is what working as a babysitter in a foreign country at the home of the host family in that country has to offer.  Not much but it's good, except you should know that your free time will be very limited.

12- I work as a waiter

As long as you have a specific residence in a specific country, this gives you the possibility to apply for a job as a waiter in a restaurant or cafe, with a salary that is not very high, but that can cover your needs.  essential during your stay in this country.

11- Become a skateboarder or snowboarder

There are great opportunities if you want to become a seasonal employee. If you love winter and know how to ski, you can go to the Alps or Canada, where you can work temporarily as a ski instructor. Weather, you should learn to ski, waves, a choice that opens up many travel options, browse the Seasonal Employee website to track many opportunities.

10- I work on a yacht

Boaters make a lot of money for their constant rides and spend many hours out there, which is a lot of fun. If you want to know what life is like on a yacht, watch this interview with one of the experienced workers.

9- I work in an international hotel chain

Most people forget that the beginning of the opportunity to work abroad is to start working in your own country, which can very well happen to you if you start working in an international hotel chain, because the opportunities to move between countries are steadily increasing. 

8- Roaming

It is a job that many do not like because its return is not very satisfying but it is fun as one can earn money from anywhere and anything that helps people move or celebrate and enjoy it, you just need to move around and go from place to place to enjoy it. 

7- I work as a web designer

We live in the age of speed and the digital age, which allows us to earn money online, without the need to set up an office or travel to a workplace, we can work anywhere, which gives you work on websites that do that.  It does not restrict you to specific dates or a particular place, and its financial profitability is very satisfactory.

6- Become a travel agent

Client. You work to travel with them at their own expense.

5- Be a Bollywood hero

Yes, it sounds crazy, but some have done it. It requires you to travel to India, apply to act in a film, and if you are accepted as a foreigner in the film, then welcome to the world of acting.

4- Become a photographer

Photographing tourist places and reselling them on the Internet is one of the most popular jobs today, and it is even possible that you will be hired by certain companies, just to go and photograph and discover new tourist places.  Professional camera and practice on it.

3- Write about the trip

Blog your trips, write about the details of them, how you did them and how you raised money for them. The audience of social media and blogging sites pay money to get these blogs. All you have to do is travel, start writing, and find a great place to post your articles.

2- Teaching yoga or dancing

Being a foreigner in a foreign country makes you special, you will be a treasure to spread your own culture for lovers to learn new things, especially different dances, if you are good at dancing, be a dance teacher in your own country, is a very interesting job, as with yoga too, the opportunities are endless her, so try to take advantage of it. 

1- Free or independent work

The digital world now gives us the opportunity to start any project of your choice, manage and invest in it, work as a freelancer, complete the project required of you and then earn the money needed to travel around the world.
