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     The human personality is adopted from childhood; Everything he sees, witnesses or suffers in his childhood is recorded in his mind and in the way he looks at the things around him, so when psychologists try to find solutions to some of the psychological problems that their patients suffer, it searches in the childhood of the patient and everything to which he was exposed, hence the human personality, is a product of childhood and the factors that surround it. 

     The mental illnesses that many may suffer from are numerous and they may appear under different names, and they may not appear at first, but over time they start to cause problems for the person, and one of these illnesses is the disease of control. 

Disease Control

     Illness, illness or love of control is the tendency of a person to impose their opinions on the person in front of them, where they feel that their opinion is the best and correct and that they are capable of making decisions, and submitting to this other person.  him in everything, so she controls his actions, his words and even his feelings, calling this person the 'dominant' patient and the other person 'dominated'.

     This problem clearly appears in children, as some of them are seen playing the role of leader and observer of the group, the love of having everything and not wanting to give the other children anything more than what they want, and this is not a simple problem.  How some parents can feel proud when they see that their child is distinguished by controlling others because they confuse this feature with strength of character.

     The power of personality is related to giving others a free space to move and act, and it may not be a big problem at this stage, but when the child grows up and becomes an adult and a member of society, he loses the capacity.  To deal with those around him, and always looking for people with a weak personality to control them. He also gets hostility, hatred, and unwillingness to deal with him from others, which gets him in trouble and can get to the point of loneliness.

     How to deal with a controlling person

  • Feeling self-confident is the drive to face it.
  • Analyzing the dominant personality through his actions leads to the best way to talk to him.
  •      Putting the word “no” clearly and firmly in the face of the controlling person when requesting execution of the order and that was a mistake, and so that the person is firm and firm in his decision and does not go back on it, whatever be the reasons. 
  •      Treat the dominant kindly and not make enemies with him. The goal of confronting him is to stop him at his limits and not break off the relationship with him, especially if you are one of his close friends.
  • Provide adequate creative solutions and ideas to prevent the dominant from imposing his orders and instructions.
