Benefits of winter fruits
There are many varieties of fruits that are available in the winter season, the most prominent are; Orange, kiwi, pear and cocoa, as well as pomegranate, quince, orange and tangerine. Some of its benefits are listed below:
Orange: Orange is a citrus rich in vitamins and minerals. It is considered one of the richest sources of vitamin C, since eating a medium grain of it provides the body with 117% of the daily value of vitamin C, and it should be noted that this vitamin is classified as one of the powerful antioxidants in the body. , improves the functions of the immune system by helping the body to absorb iron from plant foods. Orange fruits provide the body with vitamin A, which is useful for improving vision and skin health, as well as a group of B vitamins, such as: folic acid, thiamine or what is known as vitamin B1, It helps maintain a healthy body. The nervous and reproductive system, the production of red blood cells.
Kiwi: Kiwi is characterized by its small size, distinctive flavor and high nutritional value. It is a good source of vitamin C, potassium and vitamin K. Which improves bone health and strength, because it contains dietary fiber, since eating two kiwis a day can help improve digestion and reduce the risk of constipation.
Kaká: Kaká is distinguished by its orange color, sweet flavor that resembles the taste of honey, it can be eaten raw, cooked or dry, with high nutritional value despite its small size. For example; One persimmon provides the body with more than half the recommended amount of vitamin A; This fat-soluble vitamin is indicated to improve the functions of the body's immune system, stimulate fetal growth and improve vision. Also, this fruit is a good source of vitamin B1, folic acid, vitamin B2, phosphorus and magnesium, since it is low in calories and rich in fiber. food; Which makes it useful for weight loss purposes.
Pomegranate: The pomegranate is ranked as one of the healthiest fruits in the world, as it contains many beneficial plant compounds not available in other foods, and its seeds and kernels are eaten raw or in juice form, and one cup contains; Or the equivalent of 174 mL of pomegranate seeds containing 7 grams of dietary fiber, 3 grams of protein, 30% of the RDI for vitamin C, 36% of the RDI for vitamin K, and 16% of the RDI for daily intake of folic acid, and 12% of the RDI for
Quince: The quince fruit is similar to some common fruits, such as apples and pears, and contains vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. This makes it highly nutritious, and the many health benefits associated with this fruit are due to its high antioxidant content. Which reduces the risk of infection and metabolic stress, and also protects the body's cells from damage caused by free radicals, in addition to the fact that the quince fruit contains medium amounts of vitamin C and copper, in addition to small amounts of iron, potassium, magnesium. and B vitamins.
Tangerines: Tangerines, or what is known as tangerines, are citrus fruits that have different shapes and different flavors ranging from very sweet to tart, and this fruit contains a small amount of carbohydrates compared to other fruits, and it also contains small amounts of some minerals and vitamins, such as: folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, calcium and iron, as well as magnesium and potassium. In addition, a small piece of tangerine provides the body with 34% of the daily intake of vitamin C, in addition to 10% of the daily intake of vitamin A.
Kumquat: Citrus (in English: Kumquat) is similar to an orange. However, it is smaller in size, oval in shape and rich in vitamins. Vitamin A and its peel are rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants. Also, this fruit has no cholesterol and is low in fat and sodium.
. Grapefruit: Grapefruit is rich in antioxidants and fiber and low in calories. It also contains many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health, such as vitamin C, which benefits the immune system, and vitamin A, which reduces the risk of infection and inflammation, as well as zinc, iron, copper, and potassium. . , and B vitamins, as well as other health-promoting compounds, including; Lycopene and choline, two compounds that are beneficial for heart health. It should be noted that it is better to buy grapefruit during the winter season, because it ripens during this period, and therefore can be obtained fresh.
Recommended servings of fruits
An overview of fruits
Fruits exist in different colors, shapes, and flavors, and are an important part of the daily diet. As they contain many vitamins and minerals that can help improve the health of the body and reduce the risk of some diseases, fruits are generally eaten raw and some types can be eaten cooked, and it is interesting that most types of fruits are available. almost all the year. ; However, like apples, lemons, and bananas, many of its varieties have the best flavor and highest nutritional value when eaten fresh.
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