Follow a proper diet and stick to it.
Obesity is one of the most common health problems of our time, and is caused by a series of factors that can be pathological such as diabetes or pressure, or acquired by external causes such as following bad eating habits, and following a diet adequate that helps to eliminate excess body fat. It is recommended to consult a dietitian to provide you with the proper diet, here are some nutritional tips: Eating protein-rich foods can help reduce appetite and increase fat burning, and can help maintain muscle mass. And the metabolism during weight loss increases the feeling of satiety, reduces hunger and reduces calorie intake.
- Eat moderate amounts of healthy fats, such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds, to help reduce the risk of weight gain.
- Eat low calorie foods. Eating fewer calories than your body co
- nsumes results in a calorie deficit, which helps burn visceral fat and excess subcutaneous fat.
- Eating plenty of fiber can help you maintain weight and feel fuller.
- Cut down on sugary drinks that cause weight gain and replace them with water or green tea.
Use healthy food alternatives
It can be very difficult for some people to stop eating a lot of foods, so using healthy, low-calorie food alternatives helps to make a healthy and suitable option to get rid of fat, and examples of this include the following:
- Use low-fat or vinegar salad dressings instead of fatty, creamy dressing
- Spread sandwiches with mustard instead of mayonnaise.
- Eat regular roasted sweet potatoes instead of French fries.
- Use skim milk instead of cream in your coffee.
exercise regularly
Following a diet plan and exercising helps to get rid of excess fat. Among the recommended exercises are:
- Doing strength exercises, such as bodyweight exercises and weight lifting, which helps shed body fat and can help maintain lean mass, which can increase the number of calories your body burns at rest.
- Increase activity levels throughout the day, as this helps burn calories, build muscle, and lift your mood.
- Do high-intensity interval training, as it helps burn fat more effectively than other exercises.
- Do aerobic exercises that help you lose weight, such as:
- jogging; Jogging for 30 minutes burns 364 calories.
- Jumping rope burns 291 calories for 30 minutes.
- swimming; Burn 218 calories for 30 minutes.
Change the routine of life for the better
Few changes in the life routine can reduce the accumulated fat in the body, for example: sleep at least 7 hours a day.
- Use the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Adopt walking or biking instead of driving or using public transportation.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Drink water before meals as it helps reduce calories.
- Brush your teeth after meals.
- Eat slow.
- Use smaller plates to eat less.
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