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How do I make my daughter excel?

attend school meetings

     A mother can help her son excel in his studies by taking an interest in attending parent-teacher conferences held at school, as this helps her learn about the programs and policies followed at the school, and lets get to know them.  her daughter's teacher, and discusses strategies that will help her daughter do well. Better in her studies, and it will also make her daughter aware that everything that happens at school will be shared at home, and the mother can, in case of special educational needs for her daughter, request an additional meeting with the teachers and the school.  staff, for her to discuss individual education plans or gifted education plans with them. She can do this at any time during the semester.

     Establish regular study hours

     The mother can help her son excel in his studies by setting a regular time for daily study, as doing so will help her daughter to finish all the homework and chores assigned to her, and by setting the time, the mother you should take care to fix it.  based on the age of the child and their special needs, where you should prepare the table with your son if your daughter is still young, while you should entrust this task to your daughter if she is older, with the need to ensure its effectiveness after completion, and then the mother should put this table in a place where the child can see it at all times. 

Set aside a space to study

A mother can help her son excel in his studies by allocating a certain area of the house for study, and she can allocate the place she wants according to the circumstances of her home, as she may want to allocate part of her son's bedroom For study.  , or set aside the kitchen table for studying if space in your home is limited, but you must make sure that the place you want to set aside for studying is away from any source of distraction that may distract your child, such as television, video games or any other family activity.
