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Why is it important to know the quality of the skin?


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The importance of knowing the quality of the skin

The importance of knowing the type of skin lies in the individual's ability to choose the right care products for him; Choosing the wrong products can expose the skin to many skin problems, in addition to exacerbating existing ones; Therefore, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist when he wants to buy any moisturizer, cleanser or other products, and skin type can sometimes be identified by looking in the mirror, doing some tests on the Internet or asking specialists.

  Characteristics of different skin types

 Each skin has certain characteristics, and the following are the most important characteristics of each type:

  •  Normal Skin: This is skin that is not very dry and not oily, and has low problem skin content, low sensitivity, barely visible pores, and a fresh complexion
  • Combination skin: It is dry or normal skin in some areas and oily in others, such as those that are usually represented with the letter T (that is, the areas of the nose, forehead and chin are oily areas). 
  • Dry skin: This skin is characterized by almost invisible pores, dull skin with less elasticity, red spots, as well as somewhat visible stretch marks, which can crack, flake or become inflamed.  
  •  Oily skin: Oily skin is characterized by enlarged pores, dull or shiny skin, thickened skin, and pimples and blemishes that can spread.
  •  Sensitive skin: This is skin that tends to redness and dryness, and is more prone to burns, such as sunburn.

Home skin quality test

Skin type can be identified at home by washing and drying the face, waiting thirty minutes, and then pressing with a tissue (to absorb oils) on different areas of the skin such as: the forehead, nose, cheeks and Chin. .   hold the paper up to light to indicate how transparent it is; If it is not transparent at all, then the skin is dry, if it is completely transparent, then the skin is oily, and if it has different levels of transparency, then it is combination skin.
