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Are there mixtures to remove acne and its effects in a week?


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Are there mixtures to remove acne and its effects in a week?

In fact, there are no mixtures that can be used to clear acne and its effects in one week, and it is suggested that acne and its effects can be cleared using many topical medications or home-made mixtures, as these mixtures help control acne. . Acne and reduce the possibility of its effects on the body. But none of them are sure that it will get rid of pimples in a week, you can try it and notice the results.

Mixtures to remove acne

There are many natural mixtures that are believed to help clear acne, but we cannot be sure of this; It depends on the nature of acne. If you suffer from blackheads, for example, you can use natural mixtures to help get rid of them, but you will need to use medical treatments if you suffer from inflamed acne. 
     Here are some of these natural blends:

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is characterized by containing compounds with antibacterial and antibacterial properties that cause acne, and its use can be helpful in clearing acne, and you can use it as follows:

     the ingredients:

  •  Several drops of tea tree oil.
  • A piece of cotton.

How to prepare and use:

  •  Tea tree oil must be diluted with another carrier oil.
  • Put a small amount of tea tree oil on a cotton swab. 
  • Put the cotton on the acne spot.
  • Repeat the process for best results.

honey and aloe vera

Aloe vera soothes and calms the skin, heals wounds, and has antimicrobial properties that help clear acne. In addition, honey contains compounds with antioxidant properties, and contains vitamins and minerals that can be useful in relieving acne, and the way to use it is as follows:

    the ingredients:

  •  A tablespoon of aloe vera pulp.
  •     honey spoon

How to prepare and use:

  •  Mix aloe vera and honey, and apply a layer of the mixture to the face and neck, and the mixture can be applied to other parts of the body affected by acne.
  • Then leave the mixture for a certain period on your skin.
  • Then rinse with warm water.

Mixtures to remove the effects of acne

There are many medical methods that help to remove acne scars, such as using some topical creams that contain salicylic acid and retinoids, or using certain techniques such as lasers or microneedling, as well as some natural mixtures that are believed to help remove them. of scars young love.  Among them are the following:

A mixture of fenugreek leaves and chickpea flour

     Fenugreek leaves are distinguished by containing compounds that have properties that help eliminate acne scars, in addition to being suitable for all skin types, and the way to use them is as follows:

     the ingredients:

  • Fenugreek leaves. 
  •  chickpea flour

     Application Method:

  •   Crush the fenugreek leaves and mix the ingredients.
  •    Apply the mixture on your skin and let it dry.

mint and turmeric

Mint and turmeric face mask is among the face masks used to remove acne scars, and you can use it as follows:

     the ingredients:

 A small amount of turmeric powder.

  • Adequate amount of crushed mint leaves.
  •  An adequate amount of water.

     How to prepare and use:

  •  Mix the ingredients and apply the paste on the acne scars.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes.
  •  Wash your face with cold water.

Tips to get rid of acne

Keeping your skin clean is important in getting rid of acne, and the following are important tips in this regard.

  •    Wash your face three times a day with a mild cleanser as well as a fragrance-free, hypoallergenic soap.
  •    Maintains skin hydration. It's best to use oil-free moisturizers, such as products that contain urea, glycerin, and alpha hydroxy acids, which absorb water from the air and keep your skin hydrated. 
  •    Use a topical treatment on the affected area, containing benzoyl peroxide, which is one of the most effective medications to treat acne, and can be applied twice a day, and three times in case of moderate to severe acne. 
  •    Use a toner that helps remove impurities from the skin.
  • Exfoliate the skin two or three times a week, and no more so as not to damage the skin.
