Psychological comfort
to these influences enables the individual to overcome them, and avoid the control of anxiety fear and bothersome negative feelings that lead in an advanced stage to psychological disorders and then fluctuate psychological stability, unhappiness and others. Therefore, the ability to adequately control the external factors faced by the individual while achieving his goals provides him with a solid and basic construction of psychological health and comfort and, therefore, security of psychological and social harmony.
The concept of psychological comfort
Psychological comfort is one of the most prominent signs and indicators of an individual's mental health. Among the most outstanding signs of psychological comfort: feeling of inner happiness, compatibility and tolerance with oneself, giving it the value it deserves, and the ability to effectively exploit positive daily experiences; Psychological comfort is a feeling of inner peace and tranquility it opens new horizons for the individual, and gives him many opportunities to obtain different experiences and The individual has with himself and with his society in addition to the important interaction with material and moral influences and their harmony with feelings and sensations in a smooth and harmonious way.
How to get psychological comfort
Psychological comfort is an important requirement for the correct coexistence of the individual with himself and with his community and there are some things that help the individual to obtain his psychological comfort and psychological stability, and they are the following:
Recognition of available capacities and the limits of these capacities and satisfaction with them and the conduct of life based on them; In other words, it is important for the individual to stay away from imitating those around him because he does to failure and frustration, or to watch over those who have better economic conditions than him and a sad vision of his life so this individual lives in a state of misery and misery because he does not have what others have.
Express positive feelings towards others, express and express love at any time, place and time, and indifference to people's admiration or rejection of him, and this expression adds to the individual a reserve of love towards others that he may need in case of his presence. He is exposed to any accident or psychological crisis that makes him need this inventory.
Consolidate faith in God and in predestination and destiny, fulfill all duties, avoid all prohibitions, approach God by doing good, strive for God's pleasure, persevere in remembrance, seek forgiveness and good deeds and feel God. celebration secretly and openly; All this instills in the human soul calm, serenity and happiness and the complete belief that everything a person goes through is good from God.
Apologize when you make a mistake and admit it. This gives comfort and peace of mind to the individual, takes him out of the cycle of remorse and self-flagellation, and leaves a positive impact on the souls of others towards him,in addition to the vision that the individual has of himself
Tolerance, tolerance and not treasuring hate and resentment in the soul, are feelings that steal the positive energy that love represents to replace it with hate and revenge with all its negative and harmful energy and concern for them, forgetting and forgiving those who have sinned. . The right of the individual and the ignorance of the slips around him. It relieves the individual of the burdens of hate and resentment and the burdens that follow.
Getting away from negative habits, trying to acquire new and positive habits that give you psychological happiness, acting and thinking within the limits of this habit, trying to be creative with it, trying to think in its practical framework, practicing life and convincing . oneself. They behave in the correct and correct way, and a positive view of themselves, and their use in the learning process, helps to instill healthy qualities.
Building a solid psychological foundation towards negative thoughts that would destabilize the psychological stability and psychological comfort of the individual, and this construction is done by training the individual himself to deny the feeling of unhappiness, misery and anxiety, and confirm feelings of hope, happiness .
Determine the individual's goal in life, the goal he seeks to achieve and achieve; The presence of this goal determines the life path of the individual, raises the level of his motivation for achievement and overcomes the obstacles he faces. Living without a goal makes the individual a lost human being without a clear goal and therefore more prone to anxiety and fear and psychological stability is disturbed.
The fruits of psychological comfort
personality of the individual and his interaction with himself and his community, since it adds to it the natural personal characteristics and balanced responses , and the fruits of psychological comfort appear, for example, but not limited to, in the following form.
- good manners
- normal behavior
- Facing the circumstances of life
- The ability to feel happy
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