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What is a diplomatic passport?

What is a diplomatic passport?

Definition of diplomatic passport

A diplomatic passport can be defined as the passport that is used by senior government officials and diplomats to escape their countries more easily, the holder can cross international borders and bypass many of the typical travel regulations that apply to regular passport holders and must follow them usually the use of a diplomatic passport means that its holder is traveling from one country to another on an official government mission; Like attending conferences and more. 

It is a type of international document issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and is intended to grant privileges to diplomats at borders, and usually contains 28 pages and is tax-free. 

Diplomatic passport format

The diplomatic passport differs in its form depending on the country of issue, and the difference between it and the ordinary passport is usually very clear, and it is easy for border officials to identify it and grant the necessary privileges to its holder; The diplomatic passport has a different color and the words "Diplomatic Passport" are found on its outer 

For example, the regular official Indian passport is white, while the diplomatic passport is red.

Who can get a diplomatic passport?

Officials working at certain levels of government and their families can obtain a diplomatic passport, and these categories usually include the following people:

  • Members of Parliament. 
  • Ministers who are not members of Parliament.
  • The President and members of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Council of State, the Military Court of Appeal, the Supreme Military Administrative Court, the Court of Claims, the Court of Accounts, the first and second chiefs of the General Staff and the Prosecutor General of the Republic.
  • generals.
  • Former presidents. 
  • Former Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers.
  • general secretary of the Presidency of the Republic.
  • general secretary of the Parliament.
  • Ministry agents.
  • Head of Religious Affairs.
  • heads of provinces
  • The mayors.
  • Who is sent to participate in official international negotiations, contracts or international meetings to attend conventions and conferences on behalf of the government.
  • Those who are sent on permanent or temporary duty by foreign governments or international entities.

Benefits of obtaining a diplomatic passport

The benefits of obtaining a diplomatic passport can be summarized in the following points:

  • Diplomatic passport holders can move between countries without obtaining a visa, which includes smooth transition between countries with ease.
  • Holders of diplomatic passports enjoy diplomatic immunity, and family members of diplomats can sometimes obtain a diplomatic passport.
  • It facilitates the identification of the carrier at the border points; Through it, authorities can identify and deal with those who carry out official government business. 
  • Use the designated diplomatic lanes at the airport. Foreign diplomats are also exempt from some of the protocols used at airports, such as checked baggage and identity checks. Thus, the holder can pass through the airport without delay, waiting for approval of his needs or identification.
  • Use special diplomatic license plates on their cars so they can be easily identified as government officials while driving.
  • Weight relief while on the go.
