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The 10 most famous forbidden places on earth … you will never visit!

The 10 most famous forbidden places on earth … you will never visit!

There are many forbidden places on our planet, from the deepest depths of the oceans to the highest mountain peaks, our planet is full of places that are hard to reach, often impossible to visit.  Here are the 10 most forbidden and inaccessible places on Earth.

  •      1. Mariana Trench - Located in the western Pacific Ocean, the Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans. At 36,000 feet, it is too deep to be explored by divers or submarines.

  • 2. North Sentinel Island - Located in the Bay of Bengal, this remote island is home to the Sentinel people, who have lived on the island for tens of thousands of years and are extremely hostile to outsiders.

  •      3.  Area 51 - This legendary US military base, located in the Nevada desert, is said to house some of the most advanced military technology in the world and is off-limits to all but the most trained personnel.

  • 4.  Chernobyl - The site of the world's worst nuclear disaster is still highly radioactive and dangerous, and visitors should take special precautions when entering the area.

  • 5.  Svalbard Global Seed Vault - Located in the far Arctic Circle, this vault houses millions of seed samples from around the world to ensure the survival of our planet's most important crops.  The safe is heavily guarded and access to it is restricted.

  • 6. Antarctica - It is located at the bottom of the planet and is very cold and inhospitable, making it difficult and expensive to reach the South Pole.

  •      7. Snake Island - Located off the coast of Brazil, this island is home to some of the most venomous snakes in the world, including the deadly Golden Adder. The Brazilian government decided to make the island off-limits to protect the snakes from human interference.

  • 8. Fort Knox - Home to the United States' gold reserves, Fort Knox is one of the most heavily guarded places on the planet, and visitors must have special passes even to get close to the facility .

  • 9.  Lascaux Caves - These Paleolithic caves in southern France are full of stunning prehistoric artwork, but due to the age of the paintings and the sensitive nature of the surroundings, visitors are only allowed to enter them. see that via a video tour.

  • 10.  Heard Island and the MacDonald Islands, Australia Among the most remote places on earth, Heard Island and the MacDonald Islands are only accessible by boat, two weeks sailing southwest of Perth, Australia. 
  •      Located between Madagascar and Antarctica, the islands were only discovered in the mid-19th century and are home to penguins and seabirds, as well as an array of flora and fauna. 
  • It is closed to the public due to lava flows from the island's volcano, Mawson Peak, and due to inclement weather.
