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Toothache in children

Teething in children is one of the most common problems they face. Teething often starts between the fourth and seventh month, but for some children it can start later. Teething can be painful, but does not usually lead to illness in the child, and it should be noted that a doctor should be seen if the child develops diarrhea, vomiting, rash, or a significant increase in temperature, cough, or congestion .  in a normal situation The above symptoms do not appear with the appearance of teeth.

     Symptoms of tooth eruption

The signs and symptoms of erupting teeth differ among children, and we mention among these symptoms the following:

  • Slight increase in body temperature. not more than 38.3°C.
  • swollen gums
  • anguish and crying.
  •  drooling
  • Sleep disorders
  • Eating disorders.
  • The desire to chew hard things.

     Effective ways to relieve pain from tooth eruption.

The treatment options available to alleviate teething pain can be categorized as follows:

 Home Remedies 

There are many practices that a mother can resort to to help her child get rid of teething pain, and among these measures are the following:

  • Rub the baby's gums.
  •   By using a clean finger or a piece of moist gauze to rub the baby's gums, the pressure can ease the discomfort the baby feels.
  •      Teethers or what are known as teethers, and it is preferable to cool them a little; Because this has the effect of increasing its effectiveness in soothing the child's gums, taking into account not to put it in the freezer to avoid the damage it may cause to the 
  •      Eating solid foods The mother can offer some foods, such as carrots or cucumbers, after peeling them, if the child can chew.
  •      Calm the child and try to distract him from the pain.


Medication options that can be used to eliminate pain associated with the appearance of teeth include:

  • Paracetamol: is considered safe for children from three months of age, according to doctor's instructions.
  •      Ibuprofen:  ibuprofen is also a pain reliever, and can be given to children as young as three months of age as directed by the doctor.
  • Teething gel: In general, it is not recommended to use a gel that contains a local anesthetic, benzocaine, due to its dangerous side effects in the child, and it is necessary to consult a doctor or pharmacist to obtain sufficient information.
