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the desire

The desire to achieve a goal or achieve a dream is the first and most important step in achieving a goal. The starting point for any achievement in life is the desire to achieve this achievement, and determination and weak desire lead to weak results. On the other hand, an intense desire to achieve something leads to its achievement and success in achieving it.

     self stimulation

     A person must motivate himself to achieve his goals. Imagining that the goal has been realistically and realistically achieved, this mental realization makes you feel the happiness that you can bring when the goal is realistically achieved, and therefore you have a great incentive to work hard to achieve it, and the specialists in The orientations to achieve goals recommend that the person maintain an image of the element or material and the success that he wants in it, reaching it to see it daily and remembering what he wants. 

     determining the goal

One of the most important steps in achieving a goal or set of goals is setting goals with precision and clarity. In addition to setting as many details as possible for them, and it is necessary that they be goals that can be achieved on the ground and not imaginary, and the period of time that the person wants to reach the goal must be specified, and it is good have all these things written down on paper or on the computer to document them and make them clearer. 

     Tell others about the goals.

Whoever wants to achieve his dream should tell others about this dream, as this makes the person believe in him and believe in him more, as well as hold the person accountable for what he said; Which prompts you to strive to make the goal come true as many people may have a goal or a dream but this goal only stays in their minds which causes it to fade and disappear as time goes by without achieving it. 

Make a plan

     It is not enough to define the goal to achieve it, but a plan must be developed to determine the paths and strategies that lead to it, and it is necessary to think about all the details related to it or the obstacles that can be found.  , and the plan should be in the form of small, sequential steps that can be implemented; It is important to set a time to complete each step.


After defining objectives and establishing plans and strategies for them, work must begin and execute what has been planned. Goals can only be achieved through real, real work to achieve them. And the success to achieve it revolves around the realistic application and the conciliation to reach the objectives.
