The image that the child forms of himself is not the result of the way he sees himself, but the result of his way of thinking about being seen by others, as the child learns his truth and your personality, especially before school age. , through the image of him. Parents' reactions to it. If they reflect a positive image of him, give him confidence and show his interest in his opinions and desires, and your satisfaction with his behavior, he will learn well to think well and trust himself. and his actions.
contact by name
Calling a child by his name, especially when accompanied by eye contact and touch, sends the child the message that "You are special, very special person"; Name calling breaks down barriers between people and teaches a child how to use a name for the intended purpose of the accompanying Saying the full name (three times) gives a deeper impression of the child's importance.
Try new things
A good way to boost a child's self-confidence is to encourage him to try new and different things instead of focusing all his activity and time on what is already good. Diversifying the job and acquiring more skills makes the child believe and trust in his ability to face whatever he may face in her life.
Get the success
Helping them achieve success and more achievement would create a self-confident child, and this can be done through several things, including: encouraging the child to think calmly about the problems they are facing, listening to the opinions of others, and find solutions that can help you achieve They are realistically applied, as well as helping you achieve your little goals, like learning to ride a bike, for example; This can lead you to bigger goals in the field of sport, and finally the achievements you achieve, whether big or small, should be celebrated and praised, and the history of each one should be kept to remind you later, as long as reminding the child that failure is a natural part of the process of learning and
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