There is nothing more beautiful than the affection of motherhood, and the reciprocal love relationship between a mother and her child, as she fills him with tenderness and love, and fills him with her affection, and the relationship becomes more beautiful when the child he listens to his mother's words with love and respect, but sometimes when he makes a mistake, the mother is forced to be hard on him, for his benefit and education, while his heart breaks in pain, so she's lost. On how to handle it and the proper way to do it, she can succeed sometimes and fail at other times, and some mothers sometimes resort to yelling at the child to rebuke him and discourage him from making a mistake, but this method does not. it does not work and does nothing, on the contrary, it can cause the child shock and a sense of fear, so it requires some deliberation and reflection on the problem, and finding the right solution.
How to make the child listen to the words of his mother.
- Seek help from Allah and seek help from her to raise her children and raise them in righteousness. You must set a good example for your children, so that they only see all the good in you.
- You must avoid shouting for any reason, and address the child in a tone full of love and much fear for him, and that all your concern is for his happiness and righteousness.
- When asked to do a task, reward him for doing it, but not permanently, so he doesn't get used to it, so it's imprinted in his mind that if he does his duty, he'll have a gift, but if there's no talent, he won't do his job. worked.
- Don't overdo the words and directions, but keep your words short and sweet and the child should apply them. If you're determined to punish him and tell him ahead of time, then you have to implement it, and the punishment is simple with no beatings, like depriving him of a walk, or the food he loves, or playing with dolls. If you make a mistake, he will not repeat the mistake again.
- You have to show your love and tenderness to your children, always and forever, do the things they love and make each child feel their special place with you.
- Never let your children feel that someone is special to you over others.
- You should surprise your children from time to time with a picnic in one of the beautiful places and places for children to play. You have to bring some kind of sweets and delicacies, periodically, and with the whole family gathering, in an atmosphere of joy, and the exchange of interesting and interesting conversation.
- Read beautiful and meaningful stories to your child every day, stories are very popular with children.
- Be a fair judge when there is a dispute between your children, and do not take sides with one child over another, and if you cannot solve the problem, then you should seek help from your father.
- When he asks you some questions, don't distract him and answer his questions while paying attention to them.
- When he does a good job or task, encourage him and praise him in front of others.
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