The gas problem is a common problem in children, since it can be affected by the equivalent of thirteen to twenty-one times during a day, and the reason for this is that the child is exposed to swallowing air in more than one way, because he swallows air when crying and when feeding, either from a bottle or from his mother, as well as when using a pacifier, and over time the baby's digestive system grows and develops. Complete, and the possibility of having a gas problem is reduced.
Symptoms of gas in a baby
If the child is usually happy and cheerful most of the time, and feels pain and discomfort only for a few minutes, when he has gas, then this means that the child is normal, and it is a temporary problem, and it should be. He pointed out that the child is not necessarily disturbed by the gas problem, since he can express it, and he does this by turning over in his bed and making different sounds, and sometimes the child has trouble getting rid of gas. , which leads to the appearance of gases. Gathered in his stomach, the following symptoms appear:
- burp
- discomfort and excitement.
- swelling
- colic.
- in tears.
- The baby's stomach is solid.
How to help the child to get rid of gas.
Follow the following methods that help to get rid of gases:
- Check the position of the baby when she feeds him: When feeding a baby with a bottle, try to keep his head above the level of his stomach. In this way, the milk goes down into the baby's stomach and the gases rise to the top, making it easier for the baby to burp.
- Help your child burp: This is one of the easiest ways to eliminate gas and its pain, so you have to help the child to burp during and after feeding, and if nothing comes out of the child, lay him on his back. . for a few minutes and try again.
- Change the tools you use: If you use a bottle for breast milk, choose one with a nipple that has a slow flow of milk.
- Try to help the child to pass gas by: gently massaging the child, moving his feet back and forth while he is lying on his back, or giving him a warm bath, as this will inevitably help him to pass gas. .
- Limit the types of food your child gets: Some types of food can cause gas in your child, so tell your doctor about the things you give your child so he can tell you what to avoid.
- Watch the food you eat: Some of the substances you get from food pass into the milk and therefore pass on to your child, and it can be difficult for the child to digest these substances, which then leads to gas, including gas elements are those derived from milk and caffeine.
- Limit the type of milk your child drinks: If you are feeding your baby with formula, tell your doctor so that he can advise you on another type of milk.
- Medicines: After consulting the doctor, the doctor may decide to give the child some medicines that help the child get rid of gas that can help relieve pain.
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