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3 short stories to read it for your kids before going to sleep

 The story of the elephant and his friends.

A lonely elephant was walking through the forest looking for friends. He saw a monkey and asked him to be friends. The monkey replied, "You're big and you can't swing on trees like me, so I can't be your friend.

The elephant continued his journey through the forest until he saw a rabbit, and asked him to be friends, and the rabbit replied: You are too old to enter my hole, and you cannot be my friend.  To be his friend, was the Frog's response: You are very big and heavy; You can't jump like me, so I'm sorry, but you can't be my friend. And the elephant was also very sad.

The next day, the elephant saw all the forest animals running scared, so he asked the reason and was told that a tiger was chasing the small forest animals to eat them. Just the right size to be our friend.

 The story of the hare and the tortoise.

Once upon a time there was a rabbit who was friends with a turtle, and one day, he challenged the turtle to a race, and seeing how slow the turtle was moving, the rabbit thought that he would easily beat it, so he took a nap while the turtle was moving.  turtle was walking, and when the rabbit woke up, he found that the turtle had reached the finish line, much to the bunny's dismay and his sadness that the turtle won the race, while he was busy sleeping. 

 The story of the ant and the grasshopper

     In the summer, the ant worked hard to fill its tent with food, while the grasshopper enjoyed the good weather, played all day, and when winter came, the ant lay quietly in its house surrounded by the food it had stored for years. summer.  while the Grasshopper in his house was hungry and cold.

The grasshopper asked the ant for food, and the ant gave it some, but it was not enough to satisfy the grasshopper's hunger for the whole winter, and when he tried to ask the ant again, the ant replied, "I'm sorry.  , friend, but my food is enough for my family until the end of winter, and if I give you some more, we will starve too, we spent all summer preparing for winter, but you chose to play instead.
