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covid 9 protocols

Types of protocols

data transfer control protocol

to send data packets over the Internet and ensure that they are successfully delivered from one end to the other.   Basic Internet protocols and one of the most used protocols in digital networks.

The data transfer control protocol establishes a connection between the sender and receiver of data, then ensures that the connection remains available throughout the transmission process, and also breaks large amounts of data into small packets that are successfully transmitted from one packet to another. end to the other.  US Defense to support data transfer between devices.

The data transfer control protocol ensures that all data packets get from the sender to the receiver; Therefore, it is used to transfer data from high-level protocols that need to access all their data from one end to another, and it is considered one of the protocols that can be developed and includes the use of new protocols through it.

User Packet Data Protocol

but UDP is more efficient at transmitting fast data packets and there is no delay; This is because this protocol continues to transmit data without error checking during the transfer process, making it suitable for sending data packets for real-time applications.

The User Data Packet Protocol is used in live broadcasts and live electronic games on the Internet, and despite the speed of this protocol in data transmission, it is not considered suitable for sending data packets whose arrival must be verified by complete and no packet loss.

Internet Protocol

The Internet Protocol, called by its acronym (IP), is a protocol for processing data that is sent through a network, since this protocol uses the address of the receiving end contained in the data packet to be sent to route them. .  Packets through various network points and then delivered to the receiving end, and each device connected to the network has an Internet address that is distinct from any other address.  This address consists of a group of numbers that form an address for a single device. Examples of these address formats are;

The Internet Protocol encapsulates the data packets to be sent with what is known as IP Addressing, which includes the address of the device that sends the packet and the address of the device that receives it.  Data generated by this protocol is via (TCP) or (UDP), but (TCP) is often used with it to form a protocol known as (TCP/IP), which is the most widely used protocol in Internet networks. interconnection.

post office protocol

Many email service providers use this type of email protocol because (POP) allows the user to access and read their email address even when offline, by downloading emails through the user's device and then deleting them. The version on the server.  Therefore, only the device itself can access emails that use Post Office Protocol.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

This protocol provides the ability to send and receive email messages from one party to another based on this, it also provides the ability to send a message to more than one address at the same time, and allows the possibility of including files or documents. via email.   messages, in addition to sending messages through networks outside the Internet.


File Transfer Protocol is the most common way of exchanging files between two computers connected to a single network. This protocol is the primary means of downloading and transferring files from websites over the World Wide Web. It provides free download to users so that they can download data on this site.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

from websites and the actions that web servers and browsers must take to respond to commands from users. users.  Internet, when a user enters the address of a specific website to go to it through the browser, it sends a request and command (HTTP) to the server of the website to get the requested web page.

There is a specific version of the HTTP protocol, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) that is capable of ensuring communication between the user and the website in an encrypted way, preventing hackers from modifying the data transferred to and from the user.

What are the protocols?

The world of technology includes a large number of devices that communicate with each other according to certain rules and methods, and these rules are known as protocols, and these protocols determine the way the user communicates with the devices and the way how devices interact with incoming data.
