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Definition of illegal immigration

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Illegal immigration is defined as the movement of people to live in a country without obtaining their consent. , or their entry into countries that do not have automatic visa waiver arrangements, and forced to enter that country by crossing the border illegally and without inspection, and persons residing in a country become illegal citizens after being denied the right to asylum and the right to temporary protection that they enjoyed One of the factors that forced people to enter the country illegally is the need for people to improve their economic situation and way of life and get out of poverty and unemployment.

There are four forms of violations related to illegal immigration, which are as follows:
Unauthorized or Undocumented Entry: People enter the state through its borders secretly without the knowledge of the state and without being detected.
Entry with false documents: People who enter the country are subject to inspection, but use false identity documents to enter.
Infractions related to the duration of the visa period: In this case the entry to the country is legal and with legal documents, but if the period of stay of the persons in that country exceeds the legal period registered in the visa, the stay will be makes it illegal.   
  Violations related to terms and conditions: In this case people enter the country with legal documents, but violate the condition of entry visas, and accepting these violations is one of the most common violations.

Effects of illegal immigration

Crimes: Some illegal immigrants may commit some criminal activities, such as using drugs or resorting to the illegal use of a citizen's documents; With the aim of obtaining work due to the lack of official documents for them.

Competition for available job opportunities: Some illegal immigrants agree to work for minimum wage and without claiming any job-related benefits, such as access to insurance, which can create competition between these illegal immigrants and natives, as some employers they may prefer to hire them. .   Immigrants for their interest in paying lower wages and not being obliged to insure it.

Loss of tax revenue: The employment of illegal immigrants leads employers to avoid paying the taxes required of them, and while this is reflected in lower costs of production and services provided by the employer to consumers, this leads to to a decrease in tax revenue, which in turn leads to Leads to undermining the programs of government projects, and stopping government projects aimed at achieving the interests of

Sanctions imposed by states on illegal immigration

Many countries criminalize and punish illegal entry into their territory, and according to some studies conducted in 162 countries, some impose criminal penalties, others only impose civil or administrative penalties, such as payment of fines and deportation from the state.  Other countries impose prison sentences that vary in length depending on the circumstances in which the illegal entry was made and range from several months to fifteen years.  The severity of the penalties increases if the illegal immigrants are armed, use force and threats to cross the border, or if any state property is destroyed during the illegal entry.

There are many countries that consider that the illegal entry of a group of individuals merits a more severe and severe penalty than the illegal entry of a single individual, and states that impose civil or administrative sanctions have the right to apply criminal sanctions to illegal immigrants in In the case of aggravating circumstances, it should be noted that asylum seekers are usually exempt from these penalties, since the State provides them with legal protection in this case.

Illegal immigration is a grave danger

is an irregular exit, and young people face all the unknowns in it, and this puts their lives at risk and sometimes death.  , and not ensure that you will find that opportunity you have been looking for so much, and your emigration will be a failure and you will face an unpredictable destiny.  And you must look for other opportunities, either inside or outside the country, and follow the usual routes of travel, so that God grants you what you want without exposing yourself to danger.
